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The Ground Shots Podcast

Oct 23, 2018

Episode six of the Ground Shots Podcast.


A conversation with artist Tilke Elkins on the investigation of color through natural pigments and experiential art.




We talk about:



harvesting and processing natural pigments

navigating moral questions surrounding settlers harvesting natural pigments for art, craft or to sell

the historical invention of synthetic pigments and how it affected art and the accessibility of paint

creative explorations of urban art

questioning our society's current definition of wilderness and wildness

how our bodies perceive synthetically made vs. natural colors

the story of Tilke's Animal Village paintings and her conversation with Paiute elder Wilson Wewa Jr.





Tilke's Website :

Tilke's Instagram : @tilkefinn

Wilson Wewa Jr. 

Signal Fire :

 Melonie Ancheta:




Our blog post featuring Tilke's work

Support the podcast on Patreon and access a resource guide put together by Tilke on natural pigments

Visit our website Of Sedge and Salt

Our Instagram page @goldenberries

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Theme music: Mother Marrow

Produced by: Opia Creative